Friday, February 1, 2008

For Lack of a Good Candidate

Those who know me well know that I am a political junkie at heart. I am always open to debating political issues and freely give my opinion on subjects i find interesting and important. Needless to say, Campaign 2008 has been interesting thus far and doesn't look to have any end to the fun. I am amazingly eager for Super-Duper Tuesday.
My main problem with this campaign is that none of the candidates in my mind is good enough to be president of our country. I am idealistic and feel that the President of our nation should be someone who exemplifies the best qualities our nation has to offer. If that is the case then our country is in a sad state. The only candidate that I feel even comes close is Romney. I am impressed with his charisma and eloquence, and at the same time his ability to explain his ideas clearly and be serious about the issues most important to him.
I agree that the economy is one of the most important issues and most candidates have glazed over the issue with vague politician statements of, "I'll do what I can to bolster the economy", or "I will improve the economy". Why do we still listen to their mindless blather? That's all it is. What they are saying is they have no plan forthcoming and we should just vote for them because they know how to give us false comfort. This also brings up another reason why I like Romney. He has a plan for everything he says he is going to do. Perhaps his plans might not work, but at least he's thought far enough to actually have some idea of what to do.
My caution to the public during this election year is to actually listen to what is being said. Charisma is important. We need to like who we are voting for. But let's not base our decision on one thing that has been done or said. We live in a nation where we must be informed or we will be led by fools. Take this seriously. Another pitch: If you don't vote...Don't complain. Voting is onne of the biggest ways you can make a difference in your world.

1 comment:

NateDredge said...

I am anti-Romney as I have been very disappointed in him. He is one of the most blatant panderers to come down the pipe in some time. He was the first to go negative and virulently enough to have earned the enmity of the staffs on the other campaigns, and I refer to an enmity that goes beyond what one would typically expect between the staff’s of competing candidates. Also he’s been arrogant and felt that he could essentially buy the nomination. I’m really disappointed in Romney, he’s not the image I want for the Church.

However I find some of the other candidates to be appealing. I liked Giuliani and was disappointed that he was waylaid so soon, I think he could really have competed with Hillary in a general election. McCain I think also stands a good chance against Hill, he will have the weight of anti-Hillary feeling behind him, as well as the strong support of Republican moderates and independents. Should McCain face off against Obama, which is now a real possibility, then I face something I’ve never faced before in a general election, namely two candidates I like. Oh to have such a problem.