Friday, February 29, 2008

A Gift From the Powers That Be

Today is February the 29th. The amazing thing about this day is that we don't have it in other years. What does this mean? Every four years we have a whole 24 hours that we don't normally have. I encourage everyone to recognize this day as a blessing from God. I also encourage everyone to do things they wouldn't normally do. Use this time for something amazing. Enjoy your free day!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, February 4, 2008

More Politics

This post is in response to the comment of my friend Nate on my previous post. I love that we can be friends and disagree on political matters. God Bless America!

I have to admit that on the democratic side I do like Obama. Partly because he is not Hillary, but mostly because he is dynamic and has a good presence about him. Most say it is his lack of experience that weakens him as a candidate but the experience will come quickly if he is elected. I did recently see an ad that is making me think twice about him. It dealt with education and his idea that the government needed to do more for public education, which I am against. In my opinion the government does nothing but breed mediocrity in our children and teachers through public education programs. But that can be discussed another day, and it will.....
As for McCain, my main reason for disliking him is that he looks weak, and old. I know this is purely aesthetic, and does not disqualify him from leading, but as a nation I think it is imperative that we have someone who gives off the appearance of strength and nobility. Just like what has been said about FDR and his wheelchair: if there had been television back in his day, he would not have been elected president. McCain seems like a good man, but not the presence that our country needs to have since the president's main responsibility is international relations. Don't label me an "age-ist", but there is something to be said for a strong personality and stage presence in the realm of international politics.
As for Romney, I realize the LDS/president problem. I think he put it well in saying that he will not allow his beliefs to take over his decision making in the White House. I think his campaign did come out too early with the negative publicity of other candidates, though I believe it was only in response to the negative feelings everyone was pushing about his religion behind the media. I don't agree with the negative ads and the like, but for some reason that is how the game is played here in the US, and it works on the majority of the public. I think one problem with Romney is that he has to live up to LDS standards while trying to run a successful campaign. Not an easy task since most of the normal political strategies might not seem wholly ethical to the general LDS public. He still seems the best candidate to drag our country out of the rut it is in, though right now, any change might help.

Friday, February 1, 2008

For Lack of a Good Candidate

Those who know me well know that I am a political junkie at heart. I am always open to debating political issues and freely give my opinion on subjects i find interesting and important. Needless to say, Campaign 2008 has been interesting thus far and doesn't look to have any end to the fun. I am amazingly eager for Super-Duper Tuesday.
My main problem with this campaign is that none of the candidates in my mind is good enough to be president of our country. I am idealistic and feel that the President of our nation should be someone who exemplifies the best qualities our nation has to offer. If that is the case then our country is in a sad state. The only candidate that I feel even comes close is Romney. I am impressed with his charisma and eloquence, and at the same time his ability to explain his ideas clearly and be serious about the issues most important to him.
I agree that the economy is one of the most important issues and most candidates have glazed over the issue with vague politician statements of, "I'll do what I can to bolster the economy", or "I will improve the economy". Why do we still listen to their mindless blather? That's all it is. What they are saying is they have no plan forthcoming and we should just vote for them because they know how to give us false comfort. This also brings up another reason why I like Romney. He has a plan for everything he says he is going to do. Perhaps his plans might not work, but at least he's thought far enough to actually have some idea of what to do.
My caution to the public during this election year is to actually listen to what is being said. Charisma is important. We need to like who we are voting for. But let's not base our decision on one thing that has been done or said. We live in a nation where we must be informed or we will be led by fools. Take this seriously. Another pitch: If you don't vote...Don't complain. Voting is onne of the biggest ways you can make a difference in your world.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

The most important word at Christmas tim

I absolutely love Christmas. It is the best time of the year. There is one word that sums up my feelings about Christmas: remembrance. Christmas is a time to remember many things. For Christians, the obvious thing to remember is the birth of the savior Jesus Christ. It is not, however, just a time for those who share this belief. Something amazing happens during the month of December. People are a little bit nicer. Most try harder to help those around them. We all become a little bit more charitable. It is a time for us to remember what is important in life. For most, that involves family and friends. We are all so fortunate that we are surrounded by people who loves us. No one is truly alone unless they choose to be. Christmas is a time to give the best of ourselves to our families. It is a time to remember the faith that we have in the human race, something that can be difficult other times of the year.
The real reason for the season is for us to remember the blessings we have in our lives. Whether it be the blessing of the birth of a child in a humble manger two thousand years ago, or just that you have loved ones gathered around, or even if it's just the blessing of being alive, Christmas is a magical time. Remember what you have. Remember what has been done for you. Remember the love you've felt. Remember the wonder of the Christmas season.
Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Exercising with Kettlebells

This post comes from sort of an odd place. I was recently reading an article on a variety of weightlifting that originated in Russia and is incredibly simple and beneficial for an overall body workout. Near the end of the article, the founder of a website devoted to this style (he's also a trained instructor), relates a quote the he feels lends well to his ideas.

Would you give up the old you for the possibility for a better you?

I started to think about a lot of people that I know that have become set in their ways and really no longer try to make themselves into an even better person. More often we need to sit down and take inventory of our lives. What would it take for you to make your life significantly better? I would argue that in most cases the changes needed are simple and painless. Sometimes the changes require some bending and stretching, such as in my wanting to get a PhD so that I can do what I want and teach (not always painless). Not simple, but nowhere near the impossibility most deem it. Really, is the old you worth hanging onto if you know what you could become?
The next time you have a free moment...and don't tell me that you don't because it is a vicious lie...take some time to contemplate what you want in your life and what you can do to make it happen. What would it take?

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Fear, what is it good for?

Found this article on getting over your fears. One of the byproducts to not having fear is being able to achieve your dreams.
Hope it can help everyone.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

The Story of the Other

This story is from a book by Paulo Coelho. Amazing and very inspirational author.

Man runs into an old friend who had somehow never been able to make it in life. “I should give him some money,” he thinks. But instead he learns that his old friend has grown quite rich and is actually seeking him out to repay the debt he had run up over the years.

They go to a bar they used to frequent together and the friend buys drinks for everyone there. When they ask him how he became so successful, he answers that until only a few days ago he had been living the role of the “Other”.

“What is the Other?” they ask.

“The Other is the one who taught me what I should be like, but not what I am. The Other believes that it is our obligation to spend our entire life thinking about how to get our hands on as much money as possible so that we will not die of hunger when we are old. So we think so much about money and our plans for acquiring it that we discover we are alive only when our days on earth are practically done. And then it is too late.”

“And you? Who are you?”

“I am just like everyone else who listens to their heart: a person who is enchanted by the mystery of life, who is open to miracles, who experiences joy and enthusiasm for what they do. It’s just that the Other, afraid of disappointment, kept me from taking action.

“But there is suffering in life,” one of the listeners said.

“And there are defeats. No one can avoid them. But it is better to lose some of the battles in the struggle for your dreams than to lose some of the battles in the struggle for your dreams than to be defeated without ever knowing what you’re fighting for.”

“That’s it?” another listener asked.

“Yes, that’s it. When I learned this, I resolved to become the person I had always wanted to be. The Other stood there in the corner of my room, watching me, but I never let the Other into myself again – even though it has already tried to frighten me, warning me that it’s risky not to think about the future.

“From the moment that I ousted the Other from my life, the Divine Energy began to perform it’s miracles.”