Sunday, December 23, 2007

The most important word at Christmas tim

I absolutely love Christmas. It is the best time of the year. There is one word that sums up my feelings about Christmas: remembrance. Christmas is a time to remember many things. For Christians, the obvious thing to remember is the birth of the savior Jesus Christ. It is not, however, just a time for those who share this belief. Something amazing happens during the month of December. People are a little bit nicer. Most try harder to help those around them. We all become a little bit more charitable. It is a time for us to remember what is important in life. For most, that involves family and friends. We are all so fortunate that we are surrounded by people who loves us. No one is truly alone unless they choose to be. Christmas is a time to give the best of ourselves to our families. It is a time to remember the faith that we have in the human race, something that can be difficult other times of the year.
The real reason for the season is for us to remember the blessings we have in our lives. Whether it be the blessing of the birth of a child in a humble manger two thousand years ago, or just that you have loved ones gathered around, or even if it's just the blessing of being alive, Christmas is a magical time. Remember what you have. Remember what has been done for you. Remember the love you've felt. Remember the wonder of the Christmas season.
Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this post, Travis. It's true about people being more charitable this time of year. People are more generous and selfless. (unless it's black friday at the stores...) : ) It makes me sad though that people seem to soften the months of November and December, and then come the middle or so of January that fades. Why is that? Why is it so hard for us as humans to think of others more often than just during the Christmas season?